Is it good for our health? How can we use it?

Bee bread is a unique product that includes pollen, honey, and secretions of bees’ salivary glands.  After bees collect pollen and nectar from the environment, they digest pollen by their own enzymes and loosen the outer wall, making its nutrients to be more available and more quickly digestible by humans. 

The destruction of the outer walls is called fermentation, rendering the growth of beneficial bacteria. Hence, due to the growth of Lactobacillus bacteria, bee bread is known as a probiotic food. Numerous scientific studies proved that probiotics regulate the human gut system. Therefore, you may support your gut system by consuming bee bread every day.

Bee bread contains about 30% protein. Besides, bee bread is rich in vitamin K, which is lacking in fresh pollen and in B-complex vitamins in the light of available literature. Hence, bee bread presents many health benefits like regulating gut microflora, improving mental activity, and supporting the immune system. Furthermore, bee bread is a valuable dietary supplement supporting the growth of children.

In general, 6-12 pieces are recommended for adults and 3-6 pieces for children daily.  Bee bread may be consumed directly or mixed with milk, yogurt, fruit juices, or other cold foods.  Its taste is similar to that of pollen.